Goal Setting --- What's In It For Me?

So, like that great radio station, WIIFM, you're wondering "What's In It For Me?" with regards to GOAL SETTING.

Well, I'm convinced that written goals and goal setting will allow you to accomplish more of what you want to accomplish...FASTER...than not having and writing your goals. This is my experience and that of many of my executive coaching clients.

Further, goals create that internal, burning desire that incites you to get out of bed each morning. Goals are much more motivational than just paying the bills or getting up today because that's what you did yesterday!

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Goal Setting For Your Best Year Ever (or a Place to Start)...

I trust your "NEW YEAR" is off to a great start! I also trust you ended or began the year by setting some great goals and that you are busy implementing your plan to have one of your best years ever! But, in case you found yourself blinking through the rush of the holidays only to find yourself a few weeks into the "NEW YEAR" trudging the same roads as last year, I wanted to offer an alternative and reminder about goal setting.

GOALS will help you focus on the MOST important parts of your business and life. That's the premise behind Brian Tracy's book, Focal Point. Here's a brief excerpt:

"This simple story illustrates and summarizes the most important single principle of success, achievement and happiness in life. Your ability to determine where you put the "X" in each part of your life is the critical determinant of everything that you accomplish, or fail to accomplish. This "X" is your focal point. This is the one thing that you can do, at any given moment, to get the very best result possible for you in that area. Your ability to choose the correct time, place and activity to place your "X" has more of an impact on your life than any other factor."

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