1 and 1/2 months in, I hope you are having a great 2016 and enjoying our goal setting posts!
Want to have your best year yet in 2016? Give this a try...it's a great goal setting process I learned from Brian Tracy.

The most effective way to program your goals deeply into your mind is to write them daily. I would encourage you to buy a nice leather journal or a simple spiral-bound notebook and begin writing your goals daily. Each morning before you get out of bed or just before retiring at night – or maybe at both times – take your journal, write the date at the top of a new page, and write at least ten goals you would like to accomplish in the next year. Use these four primary areas of life as your guide: Health and Fitness, Family and Personal, Business and Career, and Financial Independence.
- Write each goal in the first person; i.e. “I”.
- Write each goal in the present tense, as though it has already been achieved; e.g.” I have a net worth of $5 million”.
- Write each goal using an active verb; e.g. I am, I earn, I weigh, I have and so on.
- Write each goal as a positive statement; e.g. “I am free of nicotine” as opposed to “I do not smoke.” You cannot motivate with a negative.
- Write each goal with deadline; e.g. "I earn $500,000 by 12/31/2016."
- Write at least ten goals daily (business, family, personal) and more if you wish.
Enjoy Brian Tracy describing the process in the short video below: