Recruiting and Hiring Process--Job Matching Leads to Better Sales


Hiring Process Job Matching ImageAt RMi Executive Search, our recruiting and hiring process includes a patented job benchmarking process to eliminate the bias-based, myth-based hiring decisions that are typical in most organizations. It's true today and from this Harvard Business Review report from 1980 it was true back then will increase sales performance results and reduce turnover when you select new team members based on criteria that make a better match between the person and the job.

According to the report (in high turnover industries), 39% of job matched hires were in the 1st or 2nd performance quartile after 6 months versus only 12% of those not job matched. Further, turnover was nearly double for the NOT job matched people. In lower turnover industries, results are even better! Hiring on a job matched basis far outweighs age, sex, race, experience or education.

While error-free hiring is probably a Utopian idea, hiring managers will significantly increase their hiring success by NOT just posting a general/bland job description.  Instead, your recruiting and hiring process should begin with developing a performance based job description that includes key accountabilities for the position based on a thorough understanding of the functional requirements of the job. This will allow screening (and the development of interview questions) for not only education, experience and salary, but also critical job related behaviors, job related motivators, job related skills/competencies, and acumen indicators. As a result, your company will experience improved sales results and retention.

Ready to increase your sales results and hiring success? Call 843-628-3974or contact us today to initiate your recruitment project.


About The Author

Ron McNutt is Senior Partner at RMi Executive Search in Charleston, SC. RMi provides executive recruiting and executive coaching for companies in the Carolinas, Southeast and across the United States.