Executive Coaching | "A Player," What's Your Most Important Opinion?

Zig Ziglar used to call it a "check-up from the neck up." And I was recently reminded of it while reading this Gallup article on the Psychology of Entrepreneurs.

Your most important opinion has little to do with sports, politics or religion. But as an "A Player," it has everything to do with your success. 

Your most important opinion is the one you have of yourself.

This opinion, known as your self esteem, is so important that almost everything you do is aimed at increasing your feelings of self esteem or protecting it from being damaged by other people and circumstances. In his book, Honoring The Self, Nathaniel Branden states, “The greatest barrier to achievement and success is not lack of talent or ability but, rather, the fact that achievement and success, above a certain level, are outside our self-concept, our image of who we are and what is appropriate to us.”

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Executive Job Search Series--Perfect Your Elevator Pitch

Getting a job usually begins with a phone conversation (preferably preceded by a referral). How long do you think you have to sell yourself when talking to a potential employer for the first time?

They might give you up to an hour once you've won a face to face interview, but the time you have to really convince them that you are the person for the job may be much shorter than you think. Therefore, you should always be able to communicate your value as an employee in 30 seconds or less. So, before you begin your job search, be sure to perfect your elevator pitch (or elevator speech). But how are you supposed to fit a summary of your entire career and all of your accomplishments into a 30 second pitch???

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Executive Job Search Series -- Are You an “A Player”?

The most important factor that contributes to a company’s success is the people they hire. Now more than ever, companies are taking that to heart. Employers are looking for people that can help lead their business to success. They are looking for someone with ambition and a strong work ethic. They are looking for the best employees, “A Players.”

Are you an “A Player”?

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Executive Coaching--Could You Benefit From A Master Mind?

Is your business and career heading in the right direction? Do you want to raise your income or increase sales and boost profits? Do you want to work fewer, more productive hours? Do you have the right team in place? A Master Mind will help you achieve all of these and more!

In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill furthered the concept of the Master Mind. A Master Mind is group executive coaching at its best.

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Career Coaching: "A Player"--Are You Wasting Your "Talent"?

Today, let's talk about the other side of the coin with regards to last week's post for CEOs and companies.

"A Players"--Are you wasting your "talent"?

It shouldn't be hard to gather, after reading a few of my posts, that I am a proponent of personal responsibility and pay for performance. I do not believe that just because you maintained employment at your current company for another year you deserve a raise. You deserve a raise if you increased your value to your present employer (i.e. you cut costs, increased revenues, became more efficient, learned a new skill, took on a new role, etc.).

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